Walking With Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery (2nd Edition)
Edited By: John G. Hansen, PhD., Dr. Teresa A. Booker, PhD., & John E. Charlton, DMin
Dr. John G. Hansen, Dr. Teresa A. Booker, and Dr. John E. Charlton have expanded the breadth, depth and scope of Walking With Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery (2nd ed.) making it a multidisciplinary, international and cross cultural examination of a restorative justice based approach, that at its heart draws upon the wisdom inherent within Indigenous cultures, in order to question hierarchical and heavily one-sided disease based understanding to addiction recovery.This second edition continues to advocate a model of restorative justice, saturated throughout by an Indigenous philosophy of holism and healing through inclusion and education, when working with those upon the margins, in order to appreciate and honour the whole person.Justice is understood as a concept that must be based upon, and within, the recognition of the other. It is from within this recognition of the other that accountability, as a healing endeavour, must find its grounding. The voices of Cree Elders indigenous to northern Manitoba, Indigenous Justice Workers, a female African-American Assistant District Attorney, and both individuals in recovery and criminal offenders from multiple geographical locals are all heard.
ISBN: 978-0-9919441-4-9
Price: $38.00
Binding: Paperback
Date: 2014
Rights: World
Pages: 295
Size: 6″ x 9″-
Table of Contents
Tables1. The Link Between Incarceration and Addictions
2. Indigenous Philosophy
3. The Story and Philosophy of Walking With
4. Methodology
5. Indigenous Elders and non-Indigenous Respondents: Who They Are and Why They Matter
6. Opaskwayak Crime Prevention: Indigenous Testimonies on Healing
7. Unravelling Addictions Recovery with the Friendship Centre in Saskatoon: Separating Addictions from Recovery
8. Offenders in the Midst: Race, Religion, and Prosecutorial Discretion through the Eyes of an African-American City Attorney
9. the African-American Megachurch and Offender Outreach
10. Looking at the Data Holistically
11. Indigenous (Omushkegowuk) Worldview
12. the International and Cross-Cultural Applicability of Indigenous Philosophy: An Empowerment Model Toward Healing
13. Conclusions for Walking With: General Recommendations for Healing from Addictive and Other Behaviours
About the Authors -
John G. Hansen, PhD., Dr. Teresa A. Booker, PhD., & John E. Charlton, DMin
John G. Hansen, PhD is a Member of the Opaskwayak Cree First Nation, and an Assistant Professor within the Department of Sociology at the University of Saskatchewan.
Teresa A. Booker, PhD is an Assistant Professor within the Department of African-American Studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York.
John E. Charlton, DMin is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal, Addiction, Recovery and Aftercare.
The book Walking With Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery is a major contribution to the literature on Restorative Justice Healing Models from a northern Cree/Ojibway perspective. It is a valuable resource for both instructors and students who are seeking alternative models to reach people recovering from the effects of colonization and in particular symptoms such as alcoholism and drug addiction. e book is based on research with infusion of perspectives from a particular cultural ideation with widespread implications to other contexts and Indigenous communities around the world. I am honored to see this work emerge given the critical need to ‘re-story’ and draw on the wisdom from within our own cultures and languages as we think about health, healing, and empowerment. Ekosi!
Herman J. Michell, PhD
Member, Barren Lands First Nation
President & CEO
Northern Teacher Education Program
Northern Professional Access College
As a First Nation woman and recovering addict, with nearly 24 years of sobriety, this book made my heart sing. Walking With Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery opens the door to the cultural realm and it speaks to the significance of using Elders, ceremony, and other spiritual tools to help addicts obtain and maintain sobriety; no matter ethnicity or nationality. This book is about the necessity of culturally appropriate support and staying on track.
Sharon L. Acoose, PhD
Member, Sakimay First Nation
Associate Professor Indigenous Social Work
First Nations University of Canada