We are looking for works of non-fiction that pertain to issues of Indigenous and social justice. While not a necessity, our books often challenge the status quo and consider alternative ways of doing justice. While many of our books are adopted as course textbooks within colleges and universities, we additionally seek to publish works designed to reach a wider audience. If you have a book idea, or a completed manuscript, that falls within these guidelines, we hope you will consider sending us a proposal.
Book Proposals
A book proposal need only be 4 to 5 pages in length. In fact, we request that proposals be kept to this length. The proposal must contain a tentative title and table of contents. You must also provide us with enough information to enable us to be able to assess the: i) content, and ii) potential audience of your work. If your book is designed for the academic market, we additionally ask that you include the names of potential peer reviewers.
Problem Statement and Theoretical Framework
What is your subject matter and overall argument? What is the paradigm within which you base your observations and argument?
Provide a provisional title, table of contents, and a brief description of each chapter. We are asking for a synopsis of the book.
Provide a CV and any other pertinent information that qualifies you to write this book. If the book is an edited work, please provide this information for each editor.
Let us know your intended audience: e.g. college text, graduate text, or a text for the general public. We also require an evaluation of how your book compares to, and differentiates itself from, existing material.
Length and Completion Date
Please base length upon the standard 8.5×11” page with 1” margins and text being double-spaced. And, please do not forget to let us know when you plan of submitting your full draft.
We accept only electronic manuscripts, in MS-Word (.docx) format. Submit to: [email protected] Note: While we try hard to quickly get back to all prospective authors, please keep in mind that we receive many book proposals and manuscripts. As our assessment process is time-consuming, we do not give proposals and manuscripts a quick once-over, we ask for your patience. Having said this, do feel free to ask us how we are progressing at times. Thank you for your interest in JCharlton Publishing Ltd.