SACRED JOURNEYS: Personal Visions of Indigenous Transformation

Edited By: Gregory A. Cajete


This edited volume presents the research and stories of a new group of Sacred Journeyers who are researching or participating in the development of Indigenous-based research and work in Indigenous communities.

The stories and research that comprise this volume point to an exciting new direction in culturally responsive Indigenous researchers. The authors weave together stories, research, experiences, curricular initiatives with notions of sustainability of people, culture and place which is underpinned with Indigenous inspired thought and reflection. As such, it both challenges and refreshes more traditional approaches and thoughts regarding science teaching and curricular design. This volume will be a pleasure to read, and an exciting piece to contemplate in terms of the potential new directions for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, teachers and communities as we collectively face the environmental, social and cultural challenges of the 21st century.

  • ISBN: 978-1-926476-33-9
    Price: 31.00
    Binding: Paper
    Date: 2020
    Rights: World
    Pages: 209
    Size: 6” x 9”

  • Table of Contents


    Cover Symbolism
    A Note on Terminology
    Table of Contents

    Sacred Journeys: Transformation and Becoming As Indigenous Scholars
    Gregory A. Cajete

    What Is a Kichwa Child, What Makes a Kichwa Child Kichwa, and the Role of Socialization in Early Childhood
    María Yolanda Terán Maigua

    Between the Root and the Fruit is the STEM: Journey to My Inner Guerrera
    Linda Tello

    Transformation through Sa’ah Naagháí Bik’eh Hózhóón
    Vangee Nez

    Cycles of Life
    Henry Jake Foreman

    Diné Worldviews: Research and Methodology
    Geneva Becenti

    The Sacredness of Unspoken Vision
    Angelina Medina

    M/othering as Mountain Moving: Narratives of Mothers Questioning Birth,Child Rearing, and Schooling
    Darlene Lane Santa Cruz

    Stories of ‘Āina-Based Learning, Healing, and Transformation: I Ola Kākou I Ka Ho’olōkahi
    Summer Puanani Maunakea, Danielle Espiritu, Cheryse Kaui Sana, Ku‘uleilani Samson, & Ikaika Lum

    Indigenous Education of Transformational Visioning: A Centering Place for My Personal Experiential Meaning-Making of Visions
    Victoria Graves

    CHAPTER 10
    Epilogue:The Transformative Journey of an Indigenous Teacher
    Gregory A. Cajete

    About the Authors

  • Gregory A. Cajete

    Gregory Cajete, PhD is an educator, practicing artist, and educational consultant. He is a Tewa Indian from Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico, where he lives with his wife Patricia and son, James. Dr. Cajete has taught extensively at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, where he was the founding Director of the Centre for Research and Cultural Exchange. Additionally, he has lectured widely in schools, universities, and for educational programs throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and the former Soviet Union. Currently, Dr. Cajete is an associate professor in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico, and is also Director of Native American Studies at UNM. He also operates a private educational consulting firm, Tewa Educational Consulting, specializing in environmental education and multicultural curriculum/program development in science, social sciences, and the arts.

  • Sacred Journeys is an intimate exploration into our collective/singular being. When we are lead by natural systems and ancient knowing, we know the medicine of food and the function of knowledge linked to seasons, moons and intention. All of this is sacred. When Native Peoples thrive, our world heals.

    Manulani Aluli Meyer

    Native Hawaiian
    Associate Faculty Specialist - Kūlana o Kapolei
    University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu

    These remarkable stories are excellent weavings of Indigenous people’s processes of coming to know and transformation through connection, deep reflection, meaning making and visioning.

    Michael Hart, PhD

    Vice-Provost Indigenous Engage
    University of Calgary

    This book is an excellent contribution to the continued transformation of Indigenous education expressed from the sacredness of breath onto paper through the stories of Indigenous scholars.

    Herman Michell, PhD

    Indigenous Educator & Consultant
    Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Canada

    As always, Gregory Cajete leads us to think deeply about the transforming power of Indigenous knowledge and education. He has framed this work as sacred journeys and the writers as being ‘Sacred Journeyers’, which certainly puts responsibility on scholars and educators to treat their stories respectfully. The Book contains wonderful and uplifting examples of the sacred journeys of education that have transformed personal lives and the lives of communities. This Book makes an important contribution to work on Indigenous education and transformation.

    Linda Tuhiwai Smith, PhD

    Maori and Indigenous Studies
    The University of Waikato