Working with Aboriginal Communities in Places of Higher Learning
By: Herman J. Michell, PhD
Through this resource guide, readers will be introduced to Aboriginal people and their communities in Canada. Along this introduction, readers will be afforded the opportunity to enter a discussion that provides a broad overview of Aboriginal people’s social, historical, political, cultural, educational, and economic realities. Dr. Michell’s writing is guided by his own experience as a faculty member, and former department head, within the university system. Importantly, from his knowledge based upon direct experience, Dr. Michell seeks to provide information, suggestions, ideas, and practical strategies when working with Aboriginal communities.
ISBN: 978-0-9919441-0-1
Price: $23.00
Binding: Paperback
Date: 2013
Rights: World
Pages: 86
Size: 6″ x 9″-
Table of Contents
1. Terms Used to Identify Aboriginal Peoples
2. Historical Overview of Aboriginal People in Canada
3. The Concept of Community
4. Community-based Research
5. Practical Examples – Service to Aboriginal Communities
Biography -
Herman J. Michell, PhD
Herman J. Michell, PhD is a Member of the Barren Lands First Nation, and President & CEO of the Northern Teacher Education Program and Northern Professional Access College.
Working with Aboriginal Communities in Places of Higher Learning provides a much needed resource for post-secondary administrators and faculty (both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal). The final chapter, in particular, “Practical Examples-Service to Aboriginal communities” would be very helpful for new Indigenous faculty who are about to embark on a career in academia. This book could serve as valuable resource in faculty contract negotiations with the Institution/administration to have service to Aboriginal communities recognized as a legitimate form of University service. These types of issues (contract) are very rarely discussed among faculty. Service to Aboriginal communities continues to be marginalized as a legitimate contribution not only to service but to scholarship as well. Indigenous faculty often lack mentors, who can assist with negotiations to have “service to Aboriginal communities” recognized and this book will fill an important gap. This book offers some guidance for new scholars who wish to frame their contributions and negotiate for recognition of the important work they do. I especially appreciate how Michell, does not fall into the trap of describing Aboriginal peoples as deficient. He provides a thoughtful balance, describing Aboriginal peoples and communities as flourishing communities with much to offer.
Deborah McGregor, PhD
Anishnabe [Whitefish River First Nation]
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Aboriginal Studies
University of Toronto
Where do we begin when indigenizing the academy? The late Elder Velma Goodfeather began her prayers with “Mitakuye Oyasin, we are all related, I shake hands with each and every one of you...” It is from this teaching that we are reminded to indigenize our practices in the academy by first engaging in authentic relationships with Aboriginal peoples and communities. Dr. Michell’s book, Working with Aboriginal Communities in Places of Higher Learning provides faculty and staff with practical considerations about how to work with Aboriginal peoples. This book and his other book, Working with Elders and Indigenous Knowledge Systems are gifts to those individuals taking their first tentative steps towards indigenizing their university work. Kinanaskomon.
Shauneen Pete, PhD
Associate Professor (Aboriginal Education) and
Executive Lead: Indigenization
University of Regina