NIAGARA Black Waters Flow Deep

By: Michael Pawlowski


NIAGARA Black Waters Flow Deep is the historical-fiction account of Solomon Moseby’s flight from slavery in Kentucky in May, 1837, his life in Upper Canada, seizure by American Bounty Hunters, his imprisonment, the demonstration, and the riot that rescued him from extradition.

Legislation was an obstacle to Moseby’s freedom. Although Upper Canada had abolished slavery in 1793 and the British Empire enacted more encompassing legislation in 1834; Upper Canada still had its Alien Act of 1804 and the Fugitive Offenders Act of 1833. These statutes allowed the government to deport a refugee who had committed a capital offense.

The plantation owner took every step possible to achieve revenge having accused his former slave of stealing his horse. He obtained an Extradition Order in Kentucky and wanted it enforced in Upper Canada. His lawyer, who had previously commanded the American Army during the War of 1812, was still committed to the complete annexation of Upper Canada. Nothing, less than the slave’s return, would satisfy the planation owner or his lawyer.

The Family Compact, the governance of Upper Canada, put forth no defense. There were the legal aspects to consider, and there was also the potential negative effect on trade and tariffs with the United States during the first months of the Depression.

Clergy and Businessmen came together with the entire regional Black Community arguing and demonstrating for Moseby’s freedom.

The Niagara Rebellion occurred on September 12, 1837. Solomon Moseby escaped. Two demonstrators died. The oligarch of the Family Compact was challenged and thwarted. Later the Colonial Office in Britain concluded that Moseby should have been freed, and that he should never have been seized.

The Rebellion in Niagara became the spark for other revolts months later in Lower and Upper Canada. Those rebellions in St. Denis and York subsequently failed. The Niagara Revolt had been the lone dispute to successfully challenge the autocracy of the Family Compact. The inspiration for Responsible Government had been inflamed resulting in Canadian Confederation.

  • ISBN: 978-1-926476-14-8
    Price: $30.00
    Binding: Paperback
    Date: 2017
    Rights: World
    Pages: 169
    Size: 6″ x 9″

  • Table of Contents

    Summary of Chapters
    Cast of Characters

    Profile May, 1837
    1. Flight from Oppression
    2. Reality of Abolition
    3. Economics of British North America
    4. Clergy Reserves
    5. Underground Movement
    6. Sun Tavern

    June, 1837
    7. Black Community of Niagara
    8. Enterprise in Niagara
    9. Reunion
    10. Town Council
    11. Tilling the Land
    12. Kentucky Justice

    July, 1837
    13. Recession (July, 1)
    14. Law Office of Peter Porter (July, 13)
    15. Song of Praise (July, 16)
    16. News Flash (July, 17)
    17. Schooling the Fortunate (July, 28)

    August, 1837
    18. Plotting Alternatives (August, 15)
    19. Ides of August (August, 15)
    20. Thwarting Vengeance (August, 16)
    21. Trouble in York (August, 16)
    22. Mutual Interests (August, 17)
    23. Special Delivery (August, 18)
    24. Bounty Hunters Unleashed (August, 18)
    25. Instant Reaction (August, 19)
    26. Anglican Reaction (August, 20)
    27. The Plot (August, 23)
    28. Closing the Noose (August, 24)
    29. Summons (August, 25)
    30. Capture (August, 26)
    31. End of Freedom? (August, 26)
    32. Prayers are not Enough (August, 28)
    33. Direct Confrontation (August, 29)
    34. Why wait? (August, 30)
    35. Pontius Pilate is Still Alive (August, 31)

    September, 1837
    36. Impassioned (September, 2)
    37. York’s Final Decision (September, 5)
    38. Niagara Court House (September, 6)
    39. Debate at Navy Hall (September, 7)
    40. Hamilton Court House (September, 7)
    41. Silence in York (September, 8)
    42. Searching for Hope (September, 9)
    43. Home Made Plans (September, 9)
    44. Sheriff’s Quarters (September, 10)
    45. Fort Mississauga (September, 11)
    46. Extreme Measures (September, 11)
    47. Niagara Jail (September, 11)
    48. Mixed Messages (September, 12)
    49. Riot and Escape (September, 12)

    November, 1837
    50. Road to Freedom

  • Michael Pawlowski

    After a career in public service as an insurance supervisor and licensed paralegal, Michael Pawlowski has devoted his efforts to volunteer work and to his literary ambitions.

    Memberships have included the Canadian Authors Association, Niagara Historical Society, Insurance Institute of Ontario, Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Ontario, and the Law Society of Upper Canada.

    Telling the “Rest of the Story” has been the focus of his work. He is very appreciative of all of the efforts of JCharlton Publishing in the completion of the novel, NIAGARA Black Waters Flow Deep. This literary work compliments his two novels already in print: Ephesus Pure In Heart and Cassino Conquest of the Mountain.

  • Black Canadian history is an important part of Niagara-on-the-Lake’s overall history. Solomon Moseby’s story, in particular, was a significant part of the slavery and freedom debate in Upper Canada at the time and it deserves to be told.

    Sarah Maloney Kaufman

    Managing Director
    Niagara Historical Society & Museum

    I believe it is vital that we take the time to document the Black Canadian experience in Ontario and to ensure that it takes its proper place in the history of our province. I also believe that we must be cognizant of the struggles of Black Canadians to achieve equality and that we should join in celebrating the successes and achievements of the Black Canadian community.

    Kathleen Wynne

    Province of Ontario